Prevention and hygiene

Professional oral hygiene should be done every six months. During the procedures with ultrasound, air blast (Air Flow) and special tools – the hard and soft plaque, black and white tartar, smoked pigment are removed from the tooth sutface.  At the end of the procedure, the teeth are covered with special pastes and remineralising and desensitizing preparats – gels and lacquers.

The hygienist will tell patients and show how to properly clean their teeth and warn about the need to visit a dentist if a damaged tooth is revealed during the procedure. It is best to start a dentist visit with a hygienist, as it may happen that a visit to a doctor is not necessary, but if so, then the doctor will have a “clean working field ”

Dr. Smile laser device  improves patients’ gum and near tooth tissues in cases of periodontal and gingivitis cases.